Leo Kupper - Ways of Voice - François
Couture, All Music Guide:: 
Ways of the Voice is a collection of four works for the human
voice composed by Leo Kupper between 1984 and 1998. All works
use as sound source the voice of the Brazilian mezzo-soprano
Anna Maria Kieffer singing in a meaningless (as in invented)
language with Eduardo Janho-Abumrad also providing vocals
on Rezas Populares do Brazil. This piece is the most interesting
of the programme. It contains more electro-acoustic manipulations
than the other three. The "lead" voice is backed
by stretched samples of the singers' voices, creating beautiful
sound textures. It is often very hard to know where the creativity
of the singer ends and the pre-planned work of the composer
and the latter's work in the studio begin. Amkéa is
made of four voices and sounds as if no manipulation was attempted,
except for the simple overdubbing of the voice. The resulting
music is often stylistically akin to Fatima Miranda's Concierto
en Canto. On Annazone, Kieffer converses with a background
of Brazilian forest sounds (birds, insects, etc.). Oddly,
the piece begins and ends on sampled orchestral staccatos
-- a way to frame this "nature symphony?" Although
entertaining, Annazone lacks cohesion and Kieffer's performance
gets very close to being cartoonish. But this piece aside,
Ways of the Voice offers a beautiful setting for Kieffer's
talent. Rezas Populares do Brazil is a memorable piece of
work for anyone interested in the way one can write for/with
the human voice. The booklet includes liner notes in English,
French and Portuguese. François Couture, All-Music
New York based record producer (and composer) Al Margolis
is dedicated to bringing lesser known and historical electronic
music figures to light. He has already produced CDs of early
works of Pauline Oliveros, Rune Linblad and others. His most
recent release is a CD of collaborative pieces between Belgian
composer Leo Kupper and Brazilian singer / improviser Anna
Maria Kieffer. The collaborations, which span a 16 year period,
use Kieffer's amazing voice as material for further laboration
(mostly using granular synthesis techniques) and also for
the lovely melodic quality of her voice. The work deals with
many aspects of Brazilian culture, from popular prayers,set
for two voices and vocal fragments in the first piece, through
the sounds of the rain forest, used in "Anamak"
and "Annazone", the second and fourth pieces, to
an electronic fragmentation and reconstruction of her voice
in "Amkea", the third piece, of which the third
movement "Recit 2" has some ravishing vocal textures
and treatments. The Music material of "Anamak" additionally,
derives from Kieffer's research into the music of the indigenous
peoples of Brazil. An absorbing, beautiful, and extremely
listener-friendly album.