GD022 CD, $25.00
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Gen Ken Montgomery & Conrad Schnitzler
GENCON DUETS is dedicated to a friendship etched in stone – errr – letter-pressed
in paper. It is also an unusual musical collaboration between Gen Ken Montgomery
and Conrad Schnitzler. A follow-up to their 1988 album CONGEN New Dramatic Electronic
Music (Generations Unlimited), this is a different kind of electronic music. These
recordings were made in 1996 with CON’s contemplative 12 finger piano compositions
and GEN’s everyday recordings. Besides a long pleasurable listen these recordings
represent an examination of music, how we listen to it and what we hear, intended
or not. The music of GENCON DUETS is not a perfected formula or mathematical equation.
It is the resonance of a moment, a series of moments that play out in time and
space beyond the control of the artists and ultimately our control as listeners.
—Geoff Dugan
The audio CD is comprised of 7 untitled tracks: 58 minutes of music. The package
includes 12 image cards, video stills of the artists from “Trans Berlin-Brooklyn
Exchange” created by Guido Englich (1985) using a Mac Plus from the video
“On Their Way” by Gregor Schnitzler (1985). The cake-box like container
and image cards were designed by GEN, Ben Owen and GD. The entire package was
letter-pressed at Middlepress, Brooklyn, New York in a limited edition of 300.
More about Gen Ken Montgomery here.
More About Conrad Schnitzler here.
Review: The Sound Projector, April 15, 2010
“radical music-making made simply by combining the basic one-finger spontaneous
piano compositions of Schnitzler (a man who doesn’t “really”
play the piano at all and in fact has made numerous records trying to deconstruct
and undermine this most academic of orchestral instruments with almost as much
clinical passion as the insane Walter Marchetti) with the every-day and uneventful
field recordings of Gen Ken, who delights in the poetry of small objects and
overlooked bric-a-brac. I realise this is a record that will try the patience
of many, but those of you with a taste for absurd drama of the Beckett and Ionesco
variety will find yourselves whistling all the merry tunes from these duets
in no time.”—Ed Pinset
Review: Vital Weekly, No. 724 Week 13, 2010
“No electronics, but Schnitzler’s piano, which isn’t as complex
here, but stretched out, sparse on notes most of the times, with all sorts of
construction workers sounds mingling together. It works really well indeed.
A strange collage of sound, that somehow works very well. If I may suggest something:
don’t put this on headphones/ipod or such like, but play this on your CD
player, open your window and make your new, Cage like version, merging it with
sounds from your own environment. Excellent work for both of them.”—Frans
de Waard